Monday, January 23, 2012


Earlier this month, we had some furniture work done at home, which required us to disconnect our television. Effectively, we were without TV for close to two weeks, and this proved to be a real blessing in disguise. My family bonds are extremely thick and we share a beautiful relationship at home, but truth be told, on most ordinary days, once everyone is back home in the evening from his/her respective routine, we tend to plonk ourselves in front of the idiot box. All attempts at a conversation are subordinated to the telly.
The first couple of days without the TV were the severest in terms of withdrawal symptoms, but as more days unraveled, we realized that we were have great conversations and were really bonding a lot more as a family. It not only got us closer as a family, but was also a lot more fun. This got me wondering on the dominance of television at home and how we were actually much better off without it. But before I could carry this thread of thought towards any meaningful action, the furniture work was done, the television was hooked back on and we all slipped into our habits of old. However, this glimpse of life without the telly, without the ceaseless allure of the box, has got my better instincts hankering for more telly-free time.


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