Monday, May 02, 2005

Heart of the matter

It all started last week. The exact circumstances I don’t remember now but that is not so important. What was important was the dull ache in my left hand, radiating from my armpit to the wrist, culminating in a tingling sensation at the tip of my fingers. Now my close family and friends will know that I am a fit sort of guy. I’ve hardly needed to go to hospitals unless it is to visit an ailing relative or friend. My own sojourns have been few and far between but memorable eventful (the topic of another post)...but I am digressing.
Ya, so as I was saying, I have generally been in good health and if we talk of stress, I don’t think I am any more stressed than the average overworked, underpaid bloke or sheila. So this pain came as a surprise (understatement there). Trying to find any innocuous reason for the pain, I finally attributed it to incorrect sleeping posture. But a troubling though was, ‘why only the left hand’? I have been told that I assume the most grotesque yogic postures in my sleep. This has always puzzled me because I can’t seem to do even the more elementary ones when awake, but I ramble again. So as I was saying, an incorrect doze-pose should have manifested in at least some discomfort on the right side, but my right side was clearly not obliging. Anyway, I checked my pulse, which seemed all right, so I chose to ignore the pain. However, when I got this pain a second time yesterday, I decided that the doctors would get the pleasure of my company, and right speedily at that.
So this morning found me at Zulekha Hospital in Sharjah, with my insurance card in my sweaty hand and intense neural activity in my otherwise slothful brain. A pretty nurse ushered me through to Dr. Sharmila Changkakoti and we got cracking. Dr. Changkakoti is the Neurology whiz at Zulekha and I took an immediate shine to her. I mean, how can you not like a person with a name like that. A series of quick examinations and a couple of X-rays later, I was informed by Dr. Changkakoti that I was as fit as a fiddle and that I should stop worrying about this pain. It probably was due to faulty sleeping positions and only my left side hurt because that is my dominant side (I am a lefty).
Well, it was a relief to know that my heart was thudding along as mother nature intended it to, so I thanked her and left. Now that I’m home, I can leisurely go through the doctors’ report.
Hmmmm, the X-rays look all right but how anyone can tell anything using these X-rays beats me. They look like misty ghost images, blurred and faded. Do I need a second opinion??


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