Saturday, June 18, 2005


Last weekend, my friend gave me something like 2000 marathi songs and i've spent some very pleasant hours listening to them...happily transported to the sylvan lanes of good ol' Pune. Add to this the beautiful pictures of 'Lohagad' that I have downloaded from the net and you can very well make out what kind of mood I am in. So if in the next few days, my friends see a dreamy, blanked-out expression on my face, they have been warned.
Bringing me back to the present with literally a 'crash' is the accident I had on thursday (16th June). Fortunately, the only bruise is to my ego. And my car is didn't get the better of its exchanges with the van. I mean, what was it thinking, that it could take on a van!! So it's one week at the mechanic for my trusted chariot and hopefully, it should come back to fight some more good fights.