Saturday, March 17, 2012

Baby Falak

There are some incidents that cause you immense sadness, sadness that is truly impossible to put in writing. Baby Falak's death is one such incident. Unfortunately, her passing away was pushed aside by more headline grabbing news, Tendulkar's 100th ton and the budget.

The country knows what condition she was found in in January. When I first heard her story, the poignancy of her tragedy moved me to the extreme. I had recently become a proud father of a girl and I could just not bear to imagine something of this nature happening to anyone, let alone an infant. I prayed, hoped, implored for her recovery. It was not to be. She passed away on 15th March, perhaps unnoticed by many, but for me personally, taking a little bit of my heart with her. The way this world had treated her, we didn't deserve her in our midst.